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    Petite people: what do you consume to get enough protein for muscle building?

    @currycoma Thanks for the idea of putting protein powder in porridge. Will have to try that.
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    Petite people: what do you consume to get enough protein for muscle building?

    @missveronica There are calculator sites like this but they can potentially be skewed by an uneven fat distribution. (There may be others which include more body measurements for improved accuracy but I haven't really looked.)...
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    Petite people: what do you consume to get enough protein for muscle building?

    @carolsheats Cheers. The other thing is that I'm in my 40s, and there is an increased need for protein to minimise muscle loss at menopause. As I am getting fit again now it seems to make sense to make a habit of having more protein before my 50s. So I figured that for a middle aged woman the...
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    Petite people: what do you consume to get enough protein for muscle building?

    @carolsheats Yeah, I'd read 1g per kg of LMM somewhere too and it is a heck of a lot easier to achieve. But as that meta-analysis suggesting up to 1.6g per kg of bodyweight was from a meta-analysis published in a journal rather than a fitness mag or PT's site, it seemed more reliable. (As high...
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    Petite people: what do you consume to get enough protein for muscle building?

    Thanks so much everyone! There are loads of good ideas here and there's something great about hearing from so many posters who have similar aims and needs.
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    Petite people: what do you consume to get enough protein for muscle building?

    @queslove Interesting to add it to flour too. I don't mind drinking unsweetened protein powder in water, though it will make it least obtrusive to add it to other stuff
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    Petite people: what do you consume to get enough protein for muscle building?

    I don't want to have to do one of those boring set plans where you eat the same meals several times a week. My tastes are pretty healthy anyway, but I found that when I started recording what I ate, I didn't often get the amounts of protein recommended for muscle building. Then yesterday I read...