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    HEY, EVERYONE! November is here and it's PULL-UPS MOTIVATIONAL MONTH! Join us today!

    @rdmarita Been training for 4 years now. Current level of pulling strength: OAC: two reps on the left side and one for my right side. Front lever: 15s max on my best days. Muscle-ups: 3 strict FG on a bar. Normal pullups: 15 and my plan for this month is to improve them. I'm starting to feel...
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    6 Month Handstand Progress: What It Really Takes & 3 Biggest Lessons

    @latestnews Also agree. Most people are shooting themselves in the foot over the long term when they just focus on the kick up. They're bound to hit a plateau one way or another. Shoulder and leg mobility help make the handstand much more consistent, and the presses help develop better balance...