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    2022 NoBull CrossFit Games Teams/Age Group/Adaptive Discussion Thread Friday

    @jonjones229 2 minute win. Jeez. Dominate for mayhem
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    West Coast Classic Live Semi-Final Day Two Discussion Thread

    @faithfullyfit 40 cals is a sprint. Even with residual fatigue from earlier events, and cumulative fatigue from The current event, 900 pace is really bad. I don’t know why this sub thinks otherwise. Even Mat in his interview was saying that the pace needs to be pretty much full tilt. But I...
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    West Coast Classic Live Semi-Final Day Two Discussion Thread

    @jonjones229 1500/1200 cal average should be minimums for guys and girls. To be honest, you should be embarrassed as a pro crossfitter to be in the 900s in a workout
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    Crossfit L-4

    @kayval926 What gym do you go to where you've seen many in action? Every L3 and L4 I've been around has been head and shoulders better than everyone else
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    West Coast Classic Live Semi-Final Day Two Discussion Thread

    @jonjones229 Cole is impressing so much this weekend
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    Crossfit L-4

    @lalynx Congrats to him on passing L3. Heard it is near impossible
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    West Coast Classic Live Semi-Final Day Two Discussion Thread

    @jonjones229 The no bull apparel for girls looks really really good. Not a huge fan of the guys clothes, but they nailed it on the female side
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    West Coast Classic Live Semi-Final Day Two Discussion Thread

    @jonjones229 Wow what an absolute send from Speegle and Brandon. Great great race. Almost wish this was the final event tomorrow for how it could decide things!
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    2022 NoBull CrossFit Games IE11: The Alpaca

    @abigail1995 Holy hell Jackie pro is gonna be miserable
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    17.2 r/CrossFit Open update

    @oldman1941 Gsterner111 when you make it big, don't forget r/CrossFit
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    Jeff Evans: 23rd, Gretchen K: 36th, Chris Spealler: 21st, Tommy Hackenbruk: 23rd, Jenn Jones: 32nd, Alex Nettey: 24th, and Marcus Hendren: 107th

    Notable former games athletes placing. The ones ranked 25th and above do have a shot at regionals if some people go team, but surprising nonetheless
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    HERO WOD Tommy V, which one r u gonna do this week?

    @lethimhear Low back pump gets so serious about half way through