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  1. F

    I only want big arms. Not literally, I still am working out other muscle groups, but I want the biggest bulkiest arms. How do I get them?

    @shannw7 Your system is undeniably more efficient than the basics that everyone advocates here, however not many people enjoy going about their training in a technical and systematic way, hence you’re getting downvoted while the other guy advocating for a more layman approach is upvoted. You put...
  2. F

    I only want big arms. Not literally, I still am working out other muscle groups, but I want the biggest bulkiest arms. How do I get them?

    @dawn16 What does your basic arm day look like? Also, what do you do in your circuit?
  3. F

    I only want big arms. Not literally, I still am working out other muscle groups, but I want the biggest bulkiest arms. How do I get them?

    @krevikes Your suggestion of doing low reps on Monday, high reps on Wednesday and moderate reps on Friday actually makes a lot of sense. I’ll do that then. As for why I choose to do full body, it’s because it has the greatest frequency and time return. I hit each muscle 3 times a week but only...
  4. F

    I only want big arms. Not literally, I still am working out other muscle groups, but I want the biggest bulkiest arms. How do I get them?

    @krevikes Thats interesting. So should I aim for a 2 second concentric, and aim for a 3-4 second eccentric? on the topic of rep ranges, how can I go about slotting in different rep ranges into my routine? I train full body 3 times a week, so would allocating a certain rep range focus for each...
  5. F

    I only want big arms. Not literally, I still am working out other muscle groups, but I want the biggest bulkiest arms. How do I get them?

    @krevikes Your replies are very detailed and passionate. I’m screenshooting these replies and saving them. This is gold.
  6. F

    I only want big arms. Not literally, I still am working out other muscle groups, but I want the biggest bulkiest arms. How do I get them?

    @krevikes I wholeheartedly admire your passion for lifting. I appreciate you writing this all. Would this be what your usual arm routine looks like? If not, then what is it? Also, do you recommend adding in cheated concentrics after achieving 0 RIR to focus on the eccentric? I know I’m asking of...
  7. F

    Is 3 hours in the gym too much?

    @chevreuil It’s most likely 2 hrs of rest, one hr of excerises as he said he rests a lot in between sets. A set may take 1 minute to perform, and he may rest 3-6 mins.