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    Possible overtraining? Advice appreciated

    @thankgod If I had to guess, I would say it is the lack of sleep.
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    Partners gym Progress Dissatisfaction

    @nathan2018 OP! This is the correct answer. Please read it. Twice. The wiki linked is also indispensable.
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    Possible overtraining? Advice appreciated

    @thankgod You aren't overtraining, you are under-recovering. They aren't the same. One is much easier to fix. Spend a few days eating big and sleeping. You will recover faster than you think.
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    Not getting a routine that works for me

    @lorna1964 I'm going to be blunt. I'm guessing that as a female vegetarian your diet probably needs work. You can train all you want, but if you aren't getting enough protein to allow your body to recover then you are just running yourself into the ground. That would be the first place I...
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    Gym for 1.5 years, no results. What am I doing wrong?

    @truth76 Weight loss is all about caloric intake. I would strongly encourage you to bulk and run a better program if you want to gain muscle.
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    What's your 30 minute go-to workout program if you're trying to get leaner?

    @mawglad I'm not sure I understand. Is this your training session, or like a back up if you don't have time for a full session? Regardless, the only way to get lean is by losing weight, and the best way to lose weight is by eating less.
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    I cant lift more than 10 kilos in bicep curls. It’s been like this for 8 months

    @vincentleo I'm at the point now that by the end of my bulk I'm looking forward to cutting and vice versa. Reading this should provide clarity.
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    I cant lift more than 10 kilos in bicep curls. It’s been like this for 8 months

    @vincentleo Yeah, I started out the same way you did. Now I bulk and cut cyclically. I still gain more fat than I want, but the trade off is worth it for the lean mass. I'm good at cutting, so that helps relieve the stress of weight gain. Just do a slow bulk initially. Add something like 300...
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    I cant lift more than 10 kilos in bicep curls. It’s been like this for 8 months

    @vincentleo That's the problem. You can't grow muscle without gaining weight. I would urge you to bite the bullet, pick a challenging mass gaining program, train hard and eat to recover. I'm going to be blunt, but I would guess growing your biceps is the least of your worries. I didn't notice...
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    I cant lift more than 10 kilos in bicep curls. It’s been like this for 8 months

    @vincentleo Gain some weight and patience. You can't grow muscle without gaining weight and biceps are small muscles. They are going to progress slowly.
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    What are some good workouts for a man who’s overweight?

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    1st week gym

    @katasamu It's actually not too bad, given the circumstances. These are all better. In fact, this is the wiki they came from. You seem to have a better handle on this than a lot of newbies, but it is definitely worth a read. Also, I would caution against making training an intellectual...
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    Dumbbell exercises to prepare for pull ups and push ups

    @bonabeans And I'm trying to explain to you that you don't have the necessary tools to achieve your goals. Especially without significant weight loss.
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    Dumbbell exercises to prepare for pull ups and push ups

    @bonabeans You are going to need heavier dumbbells if you want to train your lower body. Which is very important.
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    What are some good workouts for a man who’s overweight?

    @zephyrwiccan Superset with plate push-aways.
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    Dumbbell exercises to prepare for pull ups and push ups

    @bonabeans The other user is right. You can only add so many reps before the weight just won't cause adaptation anymore. You could buy more dumbbells, but that will get expensive quickly if you want to do the job properly. I think the hypertrophy range is something like 3-30 reps. For reference...
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    Frustration with My Workout Routine - Seeking Advice

    @leah3018 I guarantee you aren't getting enough protein. Just spend a few days actually tracking your protein. A scale is the best way, but even just eyeballing your food for a few days and adding the rough estimates for protein will give you a ball park. If you aren't getting around 1g per lb...
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    Frustration with My Workout Routine - Seeking Advice

    @leah3018 What is your nutrition like?
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    Frustration with My Workout Routine - Seeking Advice

    @leah3018 Skip the YouTube video, just pick one of these. They have been thoroughly vetted and are quality. Also, women don't need to train differently than men. These programs are universally appropriate for beginners. In fact, if you haven't read that wiki I very strongly encourage it...
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    I started working out a month ago, but I am gaining weight instead of loosing

    @mrnarthex How much weight have you gained? Are you taking creatine?