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  1. G

    Advice for a friend

    @whitney5388 Advise him on what you started with! Pavel's S&S or Geoff's The Giant are both great starting points. If I had to pick between the two, S&S is the better place to start. Understanding the swing is key to kettlebells- everything connects to that hip hinge movement. Cleans use the...
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    Anyone recommend a C&J program?

    @avnihsig Yes I did the RMF with the 1-3 reps per set volume and it was a great start for me, it was my first LCCJ program.
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    Geoff Neupert Mini Program Review - Giant + Strong

    @marthaschramm 90 minutes/week is manageable. I have twins and hit that. I reckon you have one bun in the oven so you should be fine. You'll learn to love early AM workouts. Get it in before the kid is up. I'm up at 5 and kids up by 6:30AM.
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    Geoff Neupert Mini Program Review - Giant + Strong

    @marthaschramm Thanks for the write up! I've been hard on kettlebells since my kiddos were born- the focused durations, full body workouts fit much better in the parenting lifestyle than going to a gym for an hour. Also smart to really fatiuge yourself going into the last 2 weeks of...
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    Program and Progression Question

    @holiness4 I know Pavel came out with a good program called Kettlebells Strongfirst (sold on the BJJ Fanatics website, not Strongfirst). It's specifically designed for BJJ folks that want to get strength training in between BJJ sessions. I don't do BJJ but I plan on using it as part of my cross...
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    Giant 3.0

    @mightyrose Nice work sticking with it! One reason I started doing kettlebells is that it is something that I can do the older I get. A real inspiration! I'm doing the Giant 1.0 with a pair of 16's, so you're a beast compared to me right now! I hope I can get to your place one day as well!
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    Running The Giant with a single bell question

    @snowlucario That's helpful, thanks!
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    Running The Giant with a single bell question

    @mooncat13 FWIW I did re-read the plan that I received (maybe he updated it?) and it only states his program can be run with one or two bells, and that's all it really says.
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    Running The Giant with a single bell question

    @inmaniac Ha! Didn't read your handle when responding. Did you get the Kettlebell Strongfirst program that is referenced on that page you linked? I read what's in it and there seems to be a ton of technique related teachings in it, but hard to tell how many programs are actually in it.
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    Running The Giant with a single bell question

    @hunter101 Yeah someone else suggested that as well in this thread! They linked a Strongfirst article with a 6 week long cycle program in it.
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    Running The Giant with a single bell question

    @hunter101 I appreciate the suggestion but I'm too tall for my space to get snatches in :( I have to move a drop ceiling tile just to be able to get my presses in without punching the ceiling!
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    Running The Giant with a single bell question

    @inmaniac This is a good suggestion, thanks! I am just finishing up my first LCCJ program. This program sounds like something good to consider!
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    Running The Giant with a single bell question

    Hey all - I have run the giant 1.0-1.2 a few times with doubles, but never singles. I'm transitioning from my pure strength training with bells to starting my endurance training for cross country skiing. I can't do double bells indoors because it wakes my family up in the morning, but I still...
  14. G

    RowErg + SS, DFW or a mix of both?

    @danbranson I do Kettlebell AXE on Monday/Thursday, a LCCJ plan on Tuesday/Friday, and then row on Wednesday and Saturday. Hits everything and is my prep work for a 30 mile cross country ski race (because there is no snow where I'm at!!)
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    Anyone run The Giant with other exercises?

    @anojinzouningen Geoff makes it clear in the book that this is an all in one workout system for busy folks that don't have time for more. It's designed such that you don't need to do anything else. It's not like S&S that's designed to be the foundation of another training regime. If you have...
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    Strongfirst GPP

    @goat Your points are fair, but let's not forget that there is a very fuzzy line between "% of muscles used in a given exercise" and "specialization". This discussion can get pedantic fast. Generically, I take GPP workouts as workouts that hit greater than 50% of your muscles or is a core...
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    Question on The Wolf Program

    @curlysouffle Totally makes sense. One thing kettlebells do that standard weights don't hit are your stabilizer muscles. All those little small ones that don't get hit as much when you do the big 5 lifts. Those need time to recover, especially in the beginning of kettlebell training. Doing...
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    Question on The Wolf Program

    @curlysouffle Given it's your first time I recommend running it as designed. No need to go crazy. Also, leave your off days to just that- "off" days. It's not a program designed to be used in conjunction with other programs.