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  1. Z

    Mod Announcement

    @acer621 I never commented on the original post that led to this as I believe how I felt had already been said. But this response is absolutely the best mod response I've seen on a subreddit when put in a situation like this. Honestly guys, massive well done and another massive thank you for...
  2. Z

    Published Article - Creatine intake for females - a lot of benefits, very little downsides (strength, depression, body composition) :)

    @worshiper1994 Thank you for this post! I've been mmm'ing and aah'ing for ages about getting some creatine - forever just living in my wishlist on myprotein. Bit the bullet and bought some (even better it was buy one get one free) so looking forward to trialling it.
  3. Z

    Youtube Dance Workouts

    @ifyoubelieveme Oh wow thank you so much for this. I already follow Kukuwas YouTube but I'm gonna have so much fun looking through the rest. Thank you! Saved!