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  1. P

    Best progress to achieve endurance goals like 50/100 Push-Ups or 3-5 min L-Sit ?

    @upaxgunxgrave I can do 45 push ups in one set about 3 mins So I started doing the 200 push up apps on my phone ( now it no longer exists ) So basically , you do 22 22 16 16 16 16 15 , I dont remember exactly but each set you rest 45 secs, you can add 30 secs to your rest time Usually I...
  2. P

    Best progress to achieve endurance goals like 50/100 Push-Ups or 3-5 min L-Sit ?

    @upaxgunxgrave In order to do 50 push up in less than 5 mins you have to at least do 150 pushs up in 10 -15 mins with no weight There s an app called 100 push up , trust me it asked u to do like insanely 180 push up in a 15 min routine but it worked