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    12-Week Challenge: Week 5 Update

    @degoo Congrats! It is an awesome feeling to see all your hard work is paying off. Keep it up!
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    12-Week Challenge: Week 5 Update

    @maxrap Acknowledging that there's a problem is the first step in resolving it. Maybe try a few sets of push ups or jumping jacks while watching TV? Find an activity you can do while enjoying your favorite show. You can do this!
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    12-Week Challenge: Week 5 Update

    @praises Good luck on your first race!
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    [12-Week Challenge] Week 8 Update

    @maxicastag Your determination is inspiring! Have you stopped tracking food before? I ask because I feel it might help my situation, but at the same time, I'm terrified of not having the accountability.
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    [12-Week Challenge] Week 8 Update

    @denice65 This week was rough, but I'm ready to get back on track. I was on vacation and enjoyed far too many indulgences. BUT - I did do a four mile run in an interesting area of a new city!