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  1. K

    I’m the crying girl

    @whitehorse It's ok to cry! Sometimes exertion does that, it's not always about mental state. That helps me not get mad at myself when it happens. And you better believe, the last time I cried at the gym it was during thrusters.
  2. K

    How to improve my cardio?

    @kara1991 I was just talking to some friends from Crossfit about this tonight. All very seasoned athletes... they all said they aren't tripping and they are all deeply focused on their own stimulus when its their turn. I agree with doing more cardio, but someting that reeeeeally helped me was...
  3. K

    How do you bounce back to fitness after a bad mental health day/week/month/year?

    @christineleex3 I went through something similar. I used to play roller derby, do CrossFit, run, I loved it all. Since the pandemic started I have had two cross country moves (one not by choice), lots of traumatic stuff happen, and deep trouble depression. Oh, and I gained 80 lbs. I kept...