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  1. S

    back progress pictures (21F, 54.3 kgs, 157 cm)

    @kir081315 Yeah, same. I tried to tough it out but I eventually gave up and my skin has been a lot better since. It looks like most dairy in general is pretty bad for acne, except for yogurts with live cultures and aged cheeses
  2. S

    back progress pictures (21F, 54.3 kgs, 157 cm)

    @kir081315 Whey makes me break out like crazy too. I mostly use pea protein these days because it's relatively cheap and a complete protein. Feel like I should do a PSA for this board haha
  3. S

    Progress over four months, all while losing weight. Pointers moving forward?

    @davidcrb Kinda depends on what type of body type you're looking for. Tbh, I think you could probably start bulking a little bit at this point based on your current progress. You already have some ab definition.