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  1. K

    M/38/5'8 [178lbs to 148lbs] 11-month progress

    @shinzm Ya definitely taking one step at time.. trying to avg out to 1 lbs loss/week. I approximate calories mentally, surely as i lose more weight i probably will need to track more accurately. Thanks for the advice!
  2. K

    M/38/5'8 [178lbs to 148lbs] 11-month progress

    @shinzm Awesome! Thanks! Looking at your starting weight and current weight alongside your progress pics is making me question how much weight i should be losing. I’m 4 months in and ive lost ~18 pounds 200-> 182, at 5’7. Initially though 160 would be a good end point but you’re at 148 wity...
  3. K

    M/38/5'8 [178lbs to 148lbs] 11-month progress

    @shinzm What app dif you use for tracking and visualization? Or did just keep data in excel and visualize it yourself. Great progress btw!