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  1. S

    What was your “DAMN I’M GETTING STRONG” moment?

    @lsmr Keep it up!!! I could only do 1 push up at the beginning of the year, now I can do 12 in a row and I legit cried when I hit my first goal of 10 in a row. There’s something so amazing about being able to lift and lower yourself repeatedly after being incapable of doing it before.
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    Frustrated after 6 months lifting weights

    @wintermint Seriously—I used to think my fried egg on toast was a “high protein” breakfast, was pretty shocked to see it was only 10g. Tracking my protein and upping my intake has definitely made working out better, both in terms of progress and recovery!
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    What was your “DAMN I’M GETTING STRONG” moment?

    @justin_holmes Mine was pretty small, but one day I took the stairs two at a time and it felt like I was about to bound straight through the ceiling; the last time I’d tried to take the stairs two at a time I couldn’t do the whole flight and I definitely needed a lot more force! I felt like a...
  4. S

    My 5 pull ups

    @meteorstorm Yaaas girl!! I’ve been working hard towards my first chin up this whole year, really hoping I can make it before the end of the year! I’ve been doing Marianne Kane’s Pull Up Academy and I really love it, both as a progression towards the pull up and as my general full body workout...