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  1. N

    Almost 40 -- Struggling with gains & recovery. Advice needed, please

    @wholehalfmom Put your dead lift with your back day, since it does exercise your back too.
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    Almost 40 -- Struggling with gains & recovery. Advice needed, please

    @wholehalfmom If there's one thing I would tweak is splitting up deadlifts and squats so that they're not on the same day. I personally find that doing both on the same day wipes me since they're heavy compounds. If I squat first, my deadlift suffers, or vice-versa.
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    Almost 40 -- Struggling with gains & recovery. Advice needed, please

    @wholehalfmom Eating + Sleeping + Lifting = Gains You need to do all three to gain. In one of the comments you mention you don't sleep enough. That definitely will effect your recovery and gains. You haven't mentioned what you're doing in terms of your lifts and what your diet is like, so it's...
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    How do you keep energised at work without surgery snacks when dieting?

    @divinity3 I starting intermittent fasting and skip breakfast. My first meal is at noon. I've noticed that since doing this, my body is fine with "being hungry" and I actually feel more alert. A sugary snack just ups my glucose and I feel drowsy... and I prefer to avoid sugar and snacks in...
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    When I run on the treadmill I am dying after just half a mile. How can I make myself go longer?

    @thisisme123 For running, you can train for longer distances by modifying your pace (run slower). That's basically how you can train for longer distances by finding a pace that is sustainable for your target distance.