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  1. C

    Feeling like I don't look like I workout

    @hendricks62 I mean, I don't know a ton about lifty things but it sounds like you're kicking some ass based on your numbers? There's a whole wide range of body types that reflect putting in the work!
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    Feeling like I don't look like I workout

    @hendricks62 A conversation with a friend recently kind of brought me to the mindset that "looks like you workout" can sometimes be based more in societal expectations and personal insecurity than reality? Like, I feel it on a personal level (because I really struggle not to conflate looking...
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    Has anyone had a silly “lightbulb” moment while exercising?

    @m32s No pressure if you don't want to get into running, but running slowly and in intervals really helped me. I did a 12-16 (I forget) week couch to half program that started with like "1 minute slow run, 3 minutes fast walk" and built up from there. It didn't even feel like I was trying...
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    Does anyone else feel like they look incredibly stupid at the gym?

    @1950princess I've gotten that from not sweating at the gym too. In January I hopped off the treadmill after 3 miles and the dude I was seeing was (in a very judgmental tone) all "...You didn't even go hard enough to break a sweat." Buddy. I'm recovering from a stress fracture and even if I...
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    Feeling like I don't look like I workout

    @belindad I dated this guy too. He was really into my "prominent hip bones" and one day hit me with line "You could have a legitimately hot body if you dieted and exercised." Cue internal shrieking.
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    Has anyone had a silly “lightbulb” moment while exercising?

    @heyitszeus Bike commuting from Crown Heights to FiDi was what got me accidentally into exercise. I was like "Huh, how do I fit this in?", started once or twice a week, and fell in love. Plus no more morning subway stress!
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    Does anyone else feel like they look incredibly stupid at the gym?

    @crucisdecristo I always look stupid exercising! My running gait is silly and I'm still learning yoga. I love my current studio because I often exchange smiles with the people next to me when one of us falls out of a pose (Looking at you, crow) or doesn't know what the fuck we're doing. For the...
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    I tried naked yoga today..

    @globalappsorg Yeah. The nudity/hipsters got me side eyeing too but I thought couple of other posters had pretty articulate responses to that and OP’s response was pretty respectful! It definitely differs from individual to individual and region to region to region, but you definitely weren’t...
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    My spin instructor made me cry!

    @dogoodfeelgood I had a yoga teacher do something similar to me once when I was new and it almost put me off yoga forever. I have a parasympathetic nervous system thing where I faint really easily, so I spent about 30 minutes of a 90 minute Bikram class in child's pose. She was like "I want...
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    I tried naked yoga today..

    @globalappsorg I think we're largely arguing semantics here. To me: "Overweight" and "obese" are medical terms, where "fat" is not. ...As a category that our healthcare providers would use to describe us haha, obv say, visceral or subcutaneous fat might be things mentioned at an appointment. I...
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    I tried naked yoga today..

    @globalappsorg I imagine it is because OP went into some detail on her post about the way she feels about her weight and body having a negative impact on her. OP is towards the middle of the overweight BMI range based on the statistics she provided in her post, but unlike "overweight," "fat"...