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  1. M

    Calling all cyclists!

    @eglerion have you tried a different saddle? 5 miles is quite a short ride to be experiencing discomfort so it may be that your saddle is too wide/narrow for you. Also, if you've only been riding for a few weeks it may just go away on it's own as your body gets used to it. I usually don't wear...
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    Calling all cyclists!

    @1970jennifer Good to know thank you!
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    Calling all cyclists!

    @1970jennifer Oh it’s so short. Like less than 2km. I’ll check out those shoes. I’m a little limited to what’s in stock around me because I don’t want to buy shoes online and much like bikes, cycling shoes are pretty picked over too
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    Calling all cyclists!

    @tessal I don't have any confidence that the plastic pedals that came with my bike will last through the century training I'm doing so definitely need to get my pedal and shoe situation figured out soonish. Does anyone have experience with these pedals? I want to take the plunge into clipless...
  5. M

    Does anybody else have a certain weight that they get stuck on and it's so hard to break below? How do I get past it?

    @popikie I apologize for my unnecessary hostile response. Hope you have a nice day too
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    Does anybody else have a certain weight that they get stuck on and it's so hard to break below? How do I get past it?

    @popikie Nah I’m insulted by anti science attitudes because feels over reals
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    Does anybody else have a certain weight that they get stuck on and it's so hard to break below? How do I get past it?

    @popikie Those "last 5 pounds" are hard for everyone to lose, not just menopausal women, because there's a much smaller margin of error and a few extra drinks or a cookie here and there can erase the defecit you need oit's not impossible to lose weight while menopausal, the slight effect that...
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    Does anybody else have a certain weight that they get stuck on and it's so hard to break below? How do I get past it?

    @popikie Menopausal bodies do respond to CICO because CICO is basic physics and menopause does not subvert that. Signed, someone who lost 110lbs while menopausal.