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  1. E

    New 12-Week Fitness Challenge?

    @ianfaith Yuuuuuuuuup eta: OK I'm signed up, thank you! I'll update measurements when my weigh-in tomorrow has been completed.
  2. E

    How to ignore your scale: 130lbs to 130lbs in just a year and a half!

    @john1277 That's awesome!!! Thank you for sharing your success, my own slow progress on the scale gets frustrating, even though I know "it's working," so it's really helpful to see this.
  3. E

    How to ignore your scale: 130lbs to 130lbs in just a year and a half!

    @john1277 You look like you've dropped a couple of pant sizes in the meantime, as well. May I ask what kind of change you saw in that realm?