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  1. M

    Sunday Show Off - Do you even bodyweight fitness?

    @groo101 Thanks a lot man! I'll send it right away :D Edit: If you could make a shout-out to @dellejoe too, I would greatly appreciate it :D
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    Sunday Show Off - Do you even bodyweight fitness?

    @jentam Thanks man, will do then :D
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    Sunday Show Off - Do you even bodyweight fitness?

    @groo101 I don't know how much this relates to BWF, but ever since I saw Simonster do these I've wanted to do them. Finally got them this week :D Still a lot to work on, but got them down at least!
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    Sunday Show Off - Bodyweight + Bodyweight Edition

    @ukubird Anytime bro, good luck and have fun :-)
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    Sunday Show Off - Bodyweight + Bodyweight Edition

    @ukubird Thanks for your response man, really lifted my mood! :) Well what I did was that even before I attempted this I got the Frogstand to Handstand down, (like this but without going back to frogstand again). What I found was that there's a lot of technique required, and after I got that I...
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    Sunday Show Off - Bodyweight + Bodyweight Edition

    @davecb So I finally somewhat got a tucked L-sit to handstand without falling to the ground :P (please don't mind the push-up attempt, everything just went so well for a second :D)
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    Sunday Show Off - Bodyweight + Bodyweight Edition

    @wilsiano Damn! That's some real progression bro, keep it up!