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  1. P

    Belly fat won't go and can't build muscle despite 3 years of working out!

    @guilhermecardoso 80% of losing weight is diet. You can’t out work a bad diet. You need to focus on that and not hide behind your workouts. My fitness pal or something similar will help you find what your maintenance calories is. And will help you set the count for your goal. And don’t eat...
  2. P

    Most Trainees Lift Too Far Away From Failure (discussion)

    @brock Always too much judgement. I think most of us lift because it is more fun than body weight or cardio workouts. Keeps the old ticker running and feels great afterwards. Depending on what happened to me during my workday, sometimes I can push more weight, some days I cannot. So shooting for...
  3. P

    Belly fat won't go and can't build muscle despite 3 years of working out!

    @archalchemist More muscle = more fat burned. Strength training much more effective if you want your body to help you out. You will change shape but may not notice any weight loss.
  4. P

    Curious how any of y’all are balancing endurance training vs strength training

    @adrastus Supersets. That’s how I get most of my cardio. I throw in some weighted jump rope, battle rope, and water rower hiit on my non weight training days. For awhile now I have been using antagonist full body workouts. Might not work for you for total strength but if blending strength and...