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    What are your favorite ways to cook tempeh?

    @evnhope I like to marinate it overnight and then bake. here are a few favorites:
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    What does 2000 calories look like to you?

    @rue77 I roughly eat 2000 calories per day. I have tracked in the past but don't track currently. Here's what today looks like: Breakfast: Oatmeal with half a banana, half cup of mixed berries, 2 TBSP ground flax seeds, 1 tbsp peanut butter Lunch: (dinner leftovers usually) corn, red lentil...
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    F, 58. Repeat DXA revealed those couple pounds I couldn’t shake were 1.8lbs added muscle! Whaaaat 💪

    @vladimir21 If you live anywhere near a university with an exercise science program, they often offer body scans for cheap or free.
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    I’m going back to the office. How did I workout before work again?!

    @joyinsf If you meal prep your breakfast and lunch you can bring 5 days worth of meals in on Monday so you're not carrying as much for the rest of the week. Just an idea! I am still working from home and I'm not looking forward to schlepping all of my stuff from home to the gym to the office. It...
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    Workout Equipment You Love vs. Never Use

    @hebahesh Most used -short loop resistance band -microplates!!! 1.25 lbs plates that I use for every lift not just upper body -barbell pad for hip thrusts -yoga mat, blocks and bolster every time I practice at home. bolster under the knees is my favorite in savasana Least used -dumbbells...
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    No A/C at gym- I feel crazy

    @ericanicolee My gym doesn't have AC but it's in Vermont so it's really only bad for a few weeks in the summer. I'm also a weirdo and I don't mind exercising in the heat as long as I properly hydrate ahead of time.
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    What’s a little trick that made a huge difference in your form?

    @latterdaysaint It definitely took more practice to do it for deadlifts, but it's just part of my set-up now.
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    Pre Workout

    @lil_worried I usually just eat an apple about an hour before the gym on work days. The sugar in it gives you a caffeine like boost.
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    What’s a little trick that made a huge difference in your form?

    @bkrolex Learning how to properly brace my core has helped my squats and deadlifts so much.
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    Ratings of Protein Powders

    @thentell Palatable vegan protein powders are even harder to find. My favorite are the ones by Buff Chick Supplements. So tasty, blend perfectly and you get 30 grams per serving. Almost all of the vegan ones I see online only have 20.