Search results

  1. G

    Jeff Evans: 23rd, Gretchen K: 36th, Chris Spealler: 21st, Tommy Hackenbruk: 23rd, Jenn Jones: 32nd, Alex Nettey: 24th, and Marcus Hendren: 107th

    @sonorous just out of interest... how do you know? Supplier? If so... hook me up
  2. G

    Jeff Evans: 23rd, Gretchen K: 36th, Chris Spealler: 21st, Tommy Hackenbruk: 23rd, Jenn Jones: 32nd, Alex Nettey: 24th, and Marcus Hendren: 107th

    @brokenandconfused lunge steps are actually quite a bit easier for smaller people as their is less vertical travel. The weight was so light at the top end it wasn't hard, it was just time consuming so staying low and having smaller limbs mean you move quicker. It's no surprise that two of the...
  3. G

    Jeff Evans: 23rd, Gretchen K: 36th, Chris Spealler: 21st, Tommy Hackenbruk: 23rd, Jenn Jones: 32nd, Alex Nettey: 24th, and Marcus Hendren: 107th

    @barryjones123 What others have said... when you meet the top athletes it's quite underwhelming (until you see them lift then you're impressed as hell). Froning is 5'8" on a tall day, Bridges, Fraser, no more than 5'6", Ohlsen can't be much taller.
  4. G

    Jeff Evans: 23rd, Gretchen K: 36th, Chris Spealler: 21st, Tommy Hackenbruk: 23rd, Jenn Jones: 32nd, Alex Nettey: 24th, and Marcus Hendren: 107th

    @psalms119 I'd be interested to see what the data shows but aside from 16.4 where you could argue wall balls and rowing are in the bigger man's wheelhouse (although offset by HSPU and DL), the workouts were for little people. 16.1, small legs, less up and down movement required on lunging...
  5. G

    Assault Airbike or Concept 2 Rower? (x-post from /r/bjj and /r/fitness)

    @creamsoda Personally I'd go for the rower. It's more versatile imo in that you can do hard interval work, steady state short and powerful or long recovery stuff. Maybe I'm just weak but with the assault bike it's kind of all or nothing, even at a steady pace it is knackering. If you're keen...