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    Meet Devin Ford, 7 Time Regional Competitor

    @dawn16 If I had no idea who this guy was until today, no chance this is a blip on radar of anyone outside community.
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    Please don’t kip in your handstand push ups

    @channel7 I screwed up my neck kipping on HSPU a couple of years ago. I couldn't turn my head for a few weeks. Eventually I got better and about a year later a coach convinced me to give it another shot. Felt fine during class but the next day my neck was screwed up again. After that I decided...
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    CSCS & USA-W L1, Should I get my CF L1? Should I intern in a box?

    @leodonaldson I have an L1 and I’d make a poor CrossFit coach. You learn some things but being a good coach is so much more than that certificate. It doesn’t sound like you already do CrossFit. If that is indeed the case then I would start there, and eventually see if you can start shadowing...
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    Calculating how much the games athletes won

    @lcaveman75 If you get a chance to talk to an elite CrossFitter...ask them if they think they are athletic. You'll be surprised.
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    Calculating how much the games athletes won

    @lcaveman75 I'd say most are unathletic.
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    Calculating how much the games athletes won

    @brojerry Reebok
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    "Another Banned Athlete Competes at Non-licensed Competition"

    @grace4nan Unless they are drug testing all athletes at these non-sanctioned competitions then I see no issue with banned athletes competing.
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    Hot take: ladies, is dating getting difficult after doing CrossFit?

    @thisguy00 I just added the appreciation of discipline and dedication to my dating profile
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    23.1 women’s barbells misloaded

    @akingbade I dunno if I buy this. Big mistakes happen in the major sports lgs too.