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  1. J

    lifting programs that DEMAND you eat like it's your job?

    @skilletboy Really liked Deep Water Beginner. Since it’s designed to be 5 consecutive days (5th is conditioning), I felt like I had to eat in order to be able to muscle through the next workout. Plus, even though you’re doing 10x10 twice a week, it’s set at a low enough weight that it’s not as...
  2. J

    The Elusive Pull-Up

    @twinmama Great resource! Thank you! I want to add that sometimes it’s not just a matter of strength, but technique. For me and a couple of friends, transitioning from a dead-hang, to a scapular pull, to the next part of the pull wasn’t intuitive, and we needed to practice that part of the...
  3. J

    Back from a Bad Break: Review of Deep Water Beginner Program

    @shan73 Ah, great point I forgot to include. My first week was kinda weird because I was trying to determine the best weight, but I would say I averaged around 3:30 in rest time? Less for legs, more for the presses. My lifting days took 75-90 min at the start and then 40-60 at the end. If I...
  4. J

    Back from a Bad Break: Review of Deep Water Beginner Program

    @hillfalk Well to be fair, it was only 2 days of 10x10. 5 straight days would probably have murdered me. 😱 I certainly like to think that a history of lifting and being active helped, but honestly, I think I just got really lucky. 🤷‍♀️ ETA: your Olympic lift write up was great btw!
  5. J

    Back from a Bad Break: Review of Deep Water Beginner Program

    @anon103 I kinda think I’m too..beginner for weightroom? But I will message mods and ask, thanks! (Also your protein post from the other day is a great resource!)
  6. J

    Back from a Bad Break: Review of Deep Water Beginner Program

    @iamasinkingship Yeah, I was shocked. Really nice guy. Thank you for your initial review and your various comments on running it. Can’t tell you how helpful they were when deciding how I wanted to run this.
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    Back from a Bad Break: Review of Deep Water Beginner Program

    @kimmyo Hmm so I can only speak for myself but adding any more exercise in the first 4 weeks was not viable. Day 1 (Legs) was just so intense that next three days of lifting were brutal, even though they were “easier” in terms of total exercises. The last two weeks I felt my recovery was better...
  8. J

    Back from a Bad Break: Review of Deep Water Beginner Program

    @staywithme Thank you so much! I used your review of RP’s Female Physique as a template so that means a lot! I do plan on running it again and then DW Intermediate, but honestly, my knees and joints don’t like being at my CV19 weight, and I wouldn’t run DW while actively trying to lose. One of...
  9. J

    Back from a Bad Break: Review of Deep Water Beginner Program

    @jansina Thank you! The conditioning is programmed for day 5 with the lifts on days 1-4. Separately, I also ran and did some spin classes throughout the week and very gradually ramped the cardio up throughout the program. (My runs were all pretty trash tho not gonna lie).
  10. J

    Back from a Bad Break: Review of Deep Water Beginner Program

    Intro (F) 5’7” 179lbs. I haven’t seen many reviews by women on Jon Andersen’s Deep Water Method over in the fitness wiki. I injured myself in January, and after I was cleared by my doctor, I ran this program to recover my strength and build my confidence back up. TLDR: program kicked my ass...