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    How much money per month do you invest on fitness?

    @defd2000 I spend about $400 a month, including food.
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    How to keep motivated to workout daily when stuck in the 9-5 corporate cycle?

    @olirain Same. I meal prep so dinner is 2 min in the microwave. I skew my hours at work a bit early to be out by 4:30, in the gym by 4:45. The latest I’ve been home, showered and sitting down for dinner was like 7:15.
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    Starting from the bottom

    @godislight I started from zero on July 1st. The best part is immediate gains! Just keep showing up and do SOMETHING, even if it’s the last thing you want to be doing.
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    5'8", 35M, 200 pounds chubby with a gut..

    @dx70 Muscle under the gut is a good thing. Muscle over the gut means you have visceral fat around your organs. Even if you keep the belly, you want the fat over the muscle vs beneath it.