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  1. F

    Crossfit Curious

    @dawn16 Thank you for your feedback!
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    Crossfit Curious

    @gittense54 Fair enough.
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    Crossfit Curious

    @gittense54 No doubt I agree regarding knowing what movements would require additional work. I can really only spare 1-1.5 hours 4-5x per week so it will be tough if a gym doesn’t include accessories in the programming.
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    Crossfit Curious

    @lovingjesusalltheway My bad NSCA- certified strength and conditioning coach. Usually just referred to as a CSCS. Basically all things sport and how to program specifically for an individual’s needs in their position within their sport. No aspect of CrossFit programming is included in that.
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    Crossfit Curious

    @danboone143 This is helpful thank you!
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    Crossfit Curious

    @dawn16 My point that I think was lost in my rambling was that hypertrophy is often not emphasized. The jacked elite CFers were likely all collegiate or professional athletes prior to CF, or have enough spare time to perform accessory hypertophy work. I think my thing is I kinda don’t care to...
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    Crossfit Curious

    Hey y’all, been a S&C for a few years now, been strength training for 16+ years, currently 6’1”, 217, 13% bf ish (not my proudest physique rn lol). Was a bodybuilding bro turned wannabe powerlifter and have enjoyed implementing aspects of CrossFit into my conditioning work. Question is, for any...