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  1. T

    Here's my routine, my food, and here's my goal: I'm doing things by the book but nothing is moving anymore?

    @edprof The LoseIt app has one of these built in! I try to only record my lowest weights on it (or only the weights I clock in on the morning of my rest day ...) and nothing else. I mean... I can see it trending down but the bounces back up happen so much more often than I see the low numbers. :(
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    Here's my routine, my food, and here's my goal: I'm doing things by the book but nothing is moving anymore?

    @dawn16 Oh I've been weighing myself ever since I got home in July. I knew I was going to be heavy but when I saw I was 12 pounds heavier I was devastated. That's what a 3 month beer-vacation will do to you I guess. :\ I'm seriously considering getting rid of the scale - it's like an...
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    Here's my routine, my food, and here's my goal: I'm doing things by the book but nothing is moving anymore?

    @dawn16 I guess what's demoralizing is that I'll hit down to like 136, but then a few days later I'm back up to 140! I mean I know that time of day and water intake and etc etc all impact it, but It's such a huge swing that I can't help but think "what the hell is happening to me" :. I wish it...
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    Here's my routine, my food, and here's my goal: I'm doing things by the book but nothing is moving anymore?

    @mippop I started weighing myself before and after I lift in the morning and it usually fluctuates by 1.5 pounds in just an hour which is alarming but then I have to remind myself that I just drank 2 bottles of water. It's the "holy shit im back to where I started" stuff that really ticks me...
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    Here's my routine, my food, and here's my goal: I'm doing things by the book but nothing is moving anymore?

    @mippop Thank you! I've absolutely noticed a change in my legs (hello quads, I missed you) and my strength has increased like crazy (couldn't even deadlift the bar 8 weeks ago) which is awesome. But the softness of the tum has just been so shitty. Is it normal for the scale to bounce between a...
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    Here's my routine, my food, and here's my goal: I'm doing things by the book but nothing is moving anymore?

    @zwrrel I like the idea, but ... I do tend to over-eat on weekends, but I also feel like I need more food on weekdays because that's when Im working out the most :(
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    Here's my routine, my food, and here's my goal: I'm doing things by the book but nothing is moving anymore?

    @trapizdaipe I think I will try an exclusively 1400 cut. I've been eating back 'exercise calories' and I don't think that was helping. I might be losing weight but it's soooooo slow. Maybe my metabolism just isn't what it used to be now that i'm at the ripe old age of 22... Who knows. I used to...
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    Here's my routine, my food, and here's my goal: I'm doing things by the book but nothing is moving anymore?

    @trapizdaipe Yeah I know it's a pretty huge range haha. Mostly it depends on how hard my workout was that day. Most days I'm shooting to eat about 1400, but if I'm absolutely ravenous after a workout, or did a 1.5 hour session then I'll give myself a bit of leeway. But maybe you're right - that...
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    Here's my routine, my food, and here's my goal: I'm doing things by the book but nothing is moving anymore?

    @innocent7 This is probably just ingrained from my childhood, but my mom would always tell me to stay away from nuts because they're so high in calories (and salt, a lot of the time). Honestly I can eat like 50000000 cashews in a sitting so im nervous going and buying a bag haha.
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    Here's my routine, my food, and here's my goal: I'm doing things by the book but nothing is moving anymore?

    @innocent7 I'm Italian so the high carb is a low carb compared to what I was eating before haha. I hadn't tried switching around the macros. I don't really know enough about what they do to start playing with them. I just know that protein and fat keep you full (the former helping with muscle...
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    Here's my routine, my food, and here's my goal: I'm doing things by the book but nothing is moving anymore?

    @trevamerocki I've got all my measurements recorded (no calipers in my possession) so would I be able to calculate bf% with just measurements? Every time I try I get wildly different numbers or it asks for measurements that I don't have (like my neck or wrist which dont seem to have fat on them...
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    Here's my routine, my food, and here's my goal: I'm doing things by the book but nothing is moving anymore?

    @cynicalviking Yeah that's true, if I'm running I use a chest HR monitor so its a bit more accurate than just saying '30 minutes of X' to my fitbit or whatever, but i agree that it's totally not possible to have a perfect equation. HA yeah ok stupid statement on my part - that makes sense...
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    Here's my routine, my food, and here's my goal: I'm doing things by the book but nothing is moving anymore?

    @mccleary I am too well aware of the spot reduction myth - if only! I'm totally a newbie in the gym, but my lifestyle before I stopped dancing (and dropped to a less competitive soccer league) was so jam packed with cardio that I was a lean machine. It's tough trying to get back to achieve the...
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    Here's my routine, my food, and here's my goal: I'm doing things by the book but nothing is moving anymore?

    @sacredword ah yes, I do agree with the underwear band and lighting stuff! But I want to look like that when I hike it up and pose around hahaha (It's Nicole Mejia on instagram if you're interested). I can definitely give myself a thigh-gap if I tilt my hips the right way and whatnot but it's...
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    Here's my routine, my food, and here's my goal: I'm doing things by the book but nothing is moving anymore?

    @bkrolex Hey! Body twin! The spare tire thing is the shittiest. I've noticed that about the carbs too. I used to eat pasta daily but now im like REALLY?? That many calories?? THAT MANY CARBS?? I feel like I've been betrayed by my heritage haha
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    Here's my routine, my food, and here's my goal: I'm doing things by the book but nothing is moving anymore?

    Bio: - 22 y/o student and lifeguard. 5'4", ~136-139lbs ex dancer / premier tier soccer player. Lowest adult weight 125lbs. Start/Current/Goal - August 1 SW: 141. 1wk after returning from 3months abroad. Left at 128lbs. February 1 CW: 136. On week 9 of Spitfire lifting program. Goal. I...