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  1. P

    I’m confused about protein… 🫤

    @cdlara381 There's definitely no reason not to, just stay under around 2g and you shouldn't have to worry about negative side effects or anything. I guess the way I've been seeing it is, the higher the better as long as it stays under that safe limit.
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    I’m confused about protein… 🫤

    @cdlara381 You can get all your protein from whole foods if you focus on it, but I think you usually need more than 1.2g per kg if it's plant protein. Tempeh is my favorite high protein food, but tbh more than depending on highly concentrated protein, I think it helps to just switch a lot of...
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    So sleepy after working out

    @alexandervrc Are you getting enough calories after working out? And a balance of nutrients?
  4. P

    Too much iron and fiber

    @seekeroftruth_2015 It's the powdered kind of peanut butter that you mix up yourself, so the ratio is different! I've made seitan once before, seem to remember it being kind of labor intensive but I could have just been new at it.
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    Too much iron and fiber

    @autumnstar I should be good then, I drink tea all day every day lol. Thanks for the info!
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    Too much iron and fiber

    @starwarsdude Oh really! That's fascinating. I like coffee, just don't drink a lot of it because I prefer tea. But I can always time what coffee I do drink around meals.
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    Too much iron and fiber

    @_h_ 1.8 is about what I get most days, so I'm glad to hear that's working for you! The excess iron hasn't caused me any problems so far, so I guess I'll just keep an eye on it. I'm definitely not a proper athlete, just trying to get to a healthy shape. Thanks for your help!
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    Too much iron and fiber

    @_h_ Oh, I'm not having 300% protein! Sorry, that was unclear. It's just the iron and fiber which are ending up at those levels. I read having more than about 2g of protein for every kg of body weight long-term can cause problems, so I've been making sure not to go much over that line, and often...
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    Too much iron and fiber

    @benbear Good to know! Thanks.
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    Too much iron and fiber

    @katie4469 No specific concerns about iron intake, I just want to catch anything that could cause a problem ahead of time. Thanks for the tips on low fiber. I can't do tofu because unfermented soy causes me problems, but I'll try using more seitan! Yeah, I'll have to talk to my PCP about a...
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    Too much iron and fiber

    @thecookdebra Huh, thanks for the link - I'll read through that! I love natto, which is probiotic, so maybe I'll try eating that more consistently too.
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    Too much iron and fiber

    I'm currently trying to gain weight and muscle bulk, so along with lifting weights, I've increased my protein intake by a lot. The thing is, I'm noticing that in order to get enough protein from a good range of sources, I'm consistently eating far more iron and fiber than seems to be recommended...