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    Workouts that don’t push limits

    @rascalinfaith Oooh, a book! I love this suggestion. Thank you!
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    Workouts that don’t push limits

    @nathanlehe This sounds awesome. I’ve seen her recommended a few times already in these comments and will check her out!
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    Workouts that don’t push limits

    @hidden_one I’ll check it out!
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    Workouts that don’t push limits

    @passingsnowbutterfly Yeah, that would be my next step. We have a home gym, but I prefer videos.
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    Workouts that don’t push limits

    @shane26 That’s what I’ve been doing, too, but I get so turned off by the mentality of the trainers and just want something that has a different feel. It seems like there are some really awesome suggestions in here that I’ll check out. 😊
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    Workouts that don’t push limits

    @givemeareason That’s really kind of you!
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    Workouts that don’t push limits

    @scmf I will definitely check this out!
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    Workouts that don’t push limits

    @harmonius She’s pretty awesome. Have you heard of Yoga with Zelinda? She’s my former yoga teacher from back when I lived in central Texas but she’s got a great following on YouTube now too because she focuses on yoga for every body and is much more centered on yoga as a whole, not just the...
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    Workouts that don’t push limits

    @amanda88 Thank you!! 😊
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    Workouts that don’t push limits

    @richardy Thank you! I’ll check her out!
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    Workouts that don’t push limits

    @faithisbest This sounds great!! Exactly what I’m looking for! I’ll look her up! Thank you. :)
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    Workouts that don’t push limits

    @jeremiah17 It sucks. I’m so sorry you have them too. I went through three neurologists before a new family doctor said, “exertion migraines” like it was a no-brainer. So I tested it out, and realized he was right!! I had other triggers too, and traced the root cause to a sort of mental panic...
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    Workouts that don’t push limits

    @scotty111uk Thank you. I will check her out!
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    Workouts that don’t push limits

    I’m a 40 year old woman that worked out rigorously for years. Lots of lifting. Lots of HIIT. Five years ago, I started getting exertion vestibular migraines and had to quit working out entirely when working out like this daily gave me a nine month long migraine. Since then, I tried off and on to...