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  1. S

    How do you bounce back to fitness after a bad mental health day/week/month/year?

    @christineleex3 internet hug I'm glad it resonated. Your post def spoke to me when I read it. Grief + mental health can be dibilitating and it's always so hard to dust ourselves off and try again. I hope we all have long and healthy lives so all this exercise we do keeps us mobile into really...
  2. S

    How do you bounce back to fitness after a bad mental health day/week/month/year?

    @christineleex3 Girl, same. My dad passed away, I've been unemployed, anxious, and depressed for the past two and a half years. I've been working out semi consistently again since January of this year. Here's what I did to get started(in order of importance imo): It's important to remember that...