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  1. B

    Lat involvement in a vertical 'suitcase' lift (boring Q for anatomy nerds)

    @lostandfoundproverbs31 That exercise is terrible for the lats. The lower lats would be antagonist in that motion, the upper lat might contribute a little bit at the start of the movement but they would lose their leverage very quickly once the humerus gets into higher degrees of elevation. And...
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    Lat involvement in a vertical 'suitcase' lift (boring Q for anatomy nerds)

    @lostandfoundproverbs31 Just because lat has function of shoulder extension doesnt mean it has that function at every position. Muscles just create tension tension between their insertion or origin. Your lats use the ribcage as anatomical pulley when the arm is in front of you, and they pull...
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    Frequency for a leg prioritization for an experienced lifter?

    Also: Start using the adductor machine, its very underrated.
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    Frequency for a leg prioritization for an experienced lifter?

    @fender75 I dont really know about the overuse injury part. In my opinion, its more about that if the total volume is too much is what might cause overuse injuries rather than how to volume volume is distributed, i could be wrong tho. Yeah the glute (and possibly lower back) fatigue is...
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    Frequency for a leg prioritization for an experienced lifter?

    @fender75 Another option could be: Push, Pull, off With quads+calves at the beginning of push day and hams+glutes at the beginning of pull day. This way you could start every workout with legs.