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  1. K

    Is it appropriate for a coach to physically correct you?

    @leegoodall007 That’s the thing, some of the feedback are things other coaches have mentioned before, but without the need of getting hands on with me. F.e. I have scoliosis, so my hips will rarely be level/ I need to be aware to fix the imbalance. Instead of demonstrating how to do that, he’ll...
  2. K

    Is it appropriate for a coach to physically correct you?

    @twinmama I wouldn’t mind if it was in any of those areas you mentioned, even lower legs. But it’s almost always on my upper thighs, side of my hips or just above my bum!
  3. K

    Is it appropriate for a coach to physically correct you?

    @jay1984 I had a trainer that always asked first. And when he did he barely actually touched the clients, more like brushed with his finger tips the area that needed correction and then he’d coach with hand signals until you got it right. I’ll ask this trainer to do that if he really feels he...
  4. K

    Is it appropriate for a coach to physically correct you?

    @phillipunion It was a ring support hold, there wasn’t really much to correct because I wasn’t even able to get off the ground lol
  5. K

    Is it appropriate for a coach to physically correct you?

    @angelonline Nope, I was trying to do a ring hold and I was literally barely off the ground.
  6. K

    getting fit seems pointless to me as i don’t enjoy exercise or less food/healthful food. isn’t life about finding joy? help change my mind

    @promiseokon I get how you feel, this was me my entire life up until a year and a half ago, when i started working out almost everyday and basically got sick if i missed a workout (so basically from hating it to being obssesed with it*). I can't really tell how did i get to that point. I just...
  7. K

    Tips for working out first thing in the morning?

    I just started a very intense masters program that has 12 non-stop hours working days, from mon-fri. For the past 3 years I’ve been consistently working out 5-6 days a week, for about 1-1.5 hours each day (I count is as 2 including commute and showering). Not only because I love it, but also...
  8. K

    I can’t even do a wall push. Not even one

    @alidvx Keep trying! That was me when I started 2.5 years ago, going from a completely sedentary lifestyle, I had hated sports my entire life. 20 seconds planks would leave me dead, and I wasn’t able to do incline push ups. Heck I barely could lift the 2.5kg dumbbells. Now I’m halfway to...
  9. K

    Is it appropriate for a coach to physically correct you?

    @chriatopher Tbh the only person I let spot me on squats/ bench press is my boyfriend. Rest of the time I just stick to a weight I know I can safely fail. This trainer did spot me once to try help me squat heavier. I just told him I’d prefer to just stick to a weight I can handle by myself...
  10. K

    Is it appropriate for a coach to physically correct you?

    Short context: 26F, have been working out for about ~7 years. At first mainly weight lifting, but currently doing CrossFit 3-5x week. I’ve had the opportunity to work with a variety of coaches and understand each person has their own special way of teaching/ working with clients. That said, I...