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    Can doing less *really* lead to more results?

    @bab I’m trying to remind myself that sleep and rest itself is a “workout”. As in, it needs to be scheduled and prioritized and it’s not “taking off.” I worked so hard to build discipline that I think I’ve become scared that taking days off will snowball into losing that discipline
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    Can doing less *really* lead to more results?

    @myfatherismighty Thank you!
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    Can doing less *really* lead to more results?

    @myfatherismighty I think I’m sold on full body 2-3 times a week, fitting it in when I can. I was struggling to peice lifting together with running because my legs would be sore, or I’d be exhausted. This seems way easier to fit into the week WITH dedicated rest days as well
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    Can doing less *really* lead to more results?

    @georgethinks I’m definitely struggling with this, especially comparing where I am no to where I was after my 2nd pregnancy. I know poor sleep is part of it, and insulin issues, but it’s so frustrating to see the weight fall off the first 2 times and then just stick to me this time. It almost...
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    Can doing less *really* lead to more results?

    @tarun27 Thank you! This is reassuring
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    Can doing less *really* lead to more results?

    @lionf I’m hitting this point. My workouts aren’t quality anymore because I’m so burnt from the ones before! Trying to take a more balanced and sustainable approach from here on out
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    Can doing less *really* lead to more results?

    @niki34 You took 3 months off to focus on losing fat, jumped back in, and didn’t lose significant muscle? THIS is what I need to hear
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    Can doing less *really* lead to more results?

    @padrepioammiratore I’m definitely trying to find that balance now. Wellness and strength (and looking good) are the goals right now, but I need sustainability!
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    Can doing less *really* lead to more results?

    @ang7999 Ok so I had/have PCOS. Got the diagnosis at the beginning of my infertility journey 9 years ago. No clue if it’s still active, but I’m showing all the signs of insulin resistance since this last baby (gestational diabetes with all 3). I’m taking metformin started this week, hoping to...
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    Can doing less *really* lead to more results?

    @lvsjesus Yeah with my other 2 I was able to drop weight no problem! I didn’t lift weights then, so I think bf + weight lifting is just confusing from a CICO perspective. I don’t count calories daily anymore anyways (got into ED territory) but have spot checked my counts here and there eating...
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    Can doing less *really* lead to more results?

    @felix10894 I was doing well for a while, regaining my stamina and strength post partum. But lately I think the increased weights and mileage (and this fucking heat) on top of terrible sleep (3 kids 4yo and under) are killing me. I was going to hard for sure, lifting 3-4 times a week, running...
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    Can doing less *really* lead to more results?

    @hrhthena Ooh that’s reassuring! I was going to do AB set up and aim for 2-3 times a week, but I found a high(er) rep full body program (all pro) that seemed to fit better for working out 2/3 x a week. Hoping the extra rest helps my physical progress as well as my mental fatigue
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    Can doing less *really* lead to more results?

    @mbursy I appreciate the response! Yes I am breastfeeding. I’m really struggling since this time (3rd kid) things have been much more difficult. I’m SO much stronger now, but the lifting and appetite have made it where I’m hanging onto weight longer than with my others (when I only ran). I need...
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    Can doing less *really* lead to more results?

    @twinmama I have an all or nothing mentality so learning to count rest as doing something has been difficult!
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    Can doing less *really* lead to more results?

    @crm4souls Thanks!
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    Can doing less *really* lead to more results?

    @crm4souls This is very reassuring! I’m also shifting my mind from calories burned to a well rounded approach to wellness and longevity. Hoping to see some results as we!
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    Can doing less *really* lead to more results?

    I originally drafted this in the daily but it seemed more than a simple question. Can doing less really lead to more results? Im looking for anecdotes from people who saw noticiable positive body changes (fat loss, muscle growth/definition) by doing less activity and/or less intense activity...
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    Consistently needing 9-10 hours sleep/night

    @holmie I’m definitely in a “peak” period right now (part of a personal challenge to “jump start” some fitness goal) so I only expect to maintain this for a few months before knocking it back down to a more reasonable routine - I’ll run 5x a week and lift 3x a week, but cut back on a lot of the...
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    Consistently needing 9-10 hours sleep/night

    @marylouise It’s so hard to find me time anymore, so the workouts are definitely a non-negotiable for me. I’ve been a bad mom this past week and I need to find a bigger minute to recompose myself because i feel like all I’m doing is yelling 😭
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    Consistently needing 9-10 hours sleep/night

    @marylouise It’s not easy! I’m a stay at home mom, which is the only way it’s possible. It’s also my escape. The 1.5-2 hours a day I’m working out or running are the only times during the day I’m doing something for myself. The kids are strapped in the stroller, or playing in the yard/garage...