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  1. H

    PSA: Don’t trust a shitty pull up bar. Almost died today because I’m an idiot

    @dawn16 True lol, but after all this roasting, I gotta redeem myself in the eyes of this subreddit
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    PSA: Don’t trust a shitty pull up bar. Almost died today because I’m an idiot

    @ellamarie Hindsight is 20/20. In retrospect, I was fixated on keeping the cost down and effort needed low. I kept it out of my mind that the instability was going to cause failure, probably out of laziness.
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    PSA: Don’t trust a shitty pull up bar. Almost died today because I’m an idiot

    @akatozh It’s in the comments. Just updated my post to link them as well!
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    PSA: Don’t trust a shitty pull up bar. Almost died today because I’m an idiot

    @kenik Looks really nice. Was this your own design or based on someone else’s?
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    PSA: Don’t trust a shitty pull up bar. Almost died today because I’m an idiot

    @dawn16 Damn, sorry to hear that. Could have been me
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    PSA: Don’t trust a shitty pull up bar. Almost died today because I’m an idiot

    @thekidd Thanks! I’ll definitely be internalizing the terms“high factor of safety” and “over-engineer”
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    PSA: Don’t trust a shitty pull up bar. Almost died today because I’m an idiot

    @thekidd Lol! I thought that "FMEA" was some kind of insult. Then I google'd and realized again that I have a lot more learning to do before i build again.
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    PSA: Don’t trust a shitty pull up bar. Almost died today because I’m an idiot

    @christisforgiven Oof, sorry to hear about your dad. I’m taking all these stories to heart. Not going to mess this up again
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    PSA: Don’t trust a shitty pull up bar. Almost died today because I’m an idiot

    @runnergirl75 for real. I've been doing all this in a low ceiling basement until I built it, so I was screwing around for a good 10 minutes being upside down and doing fully extended skin the cat, because I finally could. I'm thankin my lucky stars.
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    PSA: Don’t trust a shitty pull up bar. Almost died today because I’m an idiot

    @bigluko Thank you! Great ideas. I'm hoping that I can salvage some of the investment I made in all this metal. Maybe that's not possible. I'm going to make sure to do the research before I build again.
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    PSA: Don’t trust a shitty pull up bar. Almost died today because I’m an idiot

    @seekfind I wish I had taken a more dramatic pic of the break. I already disassembled it, so no neighbors complain/hurt themselves. Here's a pic of before and after, just showing the point of breakage. I had already lifted the broken end back up. I was using the cement blocks for the added...
  12. H

    PSA: Don’t trust a shitty pull up bar. Almost died today because I’m an idiot

    @natrious I have a short squat rack w/ pull up bar in my low ceiling basement, and it works perfectly, but I’m 6’2’’. I want to be able to start from dead hang and learn muscle up. Not necessary, but more enjoyable
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    PSA: Don’t trust a shitty pull up bar. Almost died today because I’m an idiot

    @dawn16 Thanks! I'm definitely starting to feel the soreness and it's a valuable lesson. Research is important.
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    PSA: Don’t trust a shitty pull up bar. Almost died today because I’m an idiot

    @funfun Thank you! Much appreciated. My wife is giving me no sympathy, just scolding me. I must admit ...this is part of a pattern of behavior on my part- lol.
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    PSA: Don’t trust a shitty pull up bar. Almost died today because I’m an idiot

    @marce30 Thank god I had them to cushion my fall, am i right?
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    PSA: Don’t trust a shitty pull up bar. Almost died today because I’m an idiot

    @srawf Awesome. Thank you. I like the para-cord idea too.
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    PSA: Don’t trust a shitty pull up bar. Almost died today because I’m an idiot

    @newreborn This is really helpful! thank you. I'm hoping that my next post will redeem myself.
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    PSA: Don’t trust a shitty pull up bar. Almost died today because I’m an idiot

    @trekdad99 I would have preferred that, but I'm a renter planning on moving within the next year. I'm going to keep going for the portable style, but with added support. Definitely open to suggestions!