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  1. C

    C25K isn't working for me

    @indekee If C25K is boring and frustrating at this point you could just do different cardio for a while. Just brisk walking 3-4 times a week could build up your cardiovascular fitness and leg muscle endurance without you getting horribly out of breath. Or something else. If running sucks there...
  2. C

    Feeling fatigued in the final 6 weeks before a triathlon - any nutritional or training advice?

    @billard Yikes, I am about your height and weight, do much less, less intense exercise and need a minimum of about 2,400 to maintain. I often eat two lunches a day, or sometimes two breakfasts or dinners. I just had a nice snack of wholewheat noodles with peanut butter and soy sauce. :)
  3. C

    How long can it take to see significant improvement in cardio endurance?

    @kmar123 Lots of good advice here so here is my 2c: if you're finding exercise more difficult than you think you should, it might be worth talking to your doctor and getting your iron levels checked and checking to see if you have (exercise induced) asthma. Trying to do cardio with anaemia is...
  4. C

    Workouts for REALLY weak woman?

    @dawn16 God yes, I was severely iron deficient last year and kept fainting during workouts. I also found out that I had asthma and exercise is a trigger for me. Exercise is so much easier now I'm treating that.