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  1. N

    Looking for advice: mixing running and lifting

    @frozenn I usually get 7-7.5 hours of sleep.
  2. N

    Looking for advice: mixing running and lifting

    @savedintx I’ll try lifting first, a bit difficult with my schedule but we’ll see if it helps. Thank you.
  3. N

    Looking for advice: mixing running and lifting

    @savedintx Whenever my kids allow it, lol. Traditionally run early in the day and lift in the afternoon. Been mixing seriously for 3.5 months, almost 4.
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    Looking for advice: mixing running and lifting

    @trushmoon I’m not nearly as prescribed as you, so maybe that’s it. My “long runs” are like 4-6 miles, I usually run 2-3 miles. No matter how slow I go I hit a pretty bad “soreness” wall in my right foot around 3 miles even if my max HR was only 145. Ortho said everything looks fine, so not sure...
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    Looking for advice: mixing running and lifting

    @absentia I really appreciate that, definitely taking notes. As mentioned elsewhere, I’m not very prescribed in my approach so maybe I should start making more of an attempt at following a plan. Thanks again.
  6. N

    Looking for advice: mixing running and lifting

    Hopefully this is the right place to ask since I’m not 25 anymore. 38M, 6’5, 245lbs I weightlift 6x week (PPLPPL) but I’ve recently (past 4 months) really taken to cardio and increased my running to 4-5x week. About 4 weeks ago I reached the 15-mile mark, and I have stagnated in both fronts...