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  1. G

    Insatiable appetite since I started lifting

    @jacksoncris So true! Silver lining of the pandemic life for sure. I do still meal prep and cook in bulk to make things faster, but it’s pretty awesome to be able to cook/eat throughout the day and workout without needing to look presentable after…fingers crossed WFH is here to stay.
  2. G

    Insatiable appetite since I started lifting

    @jacksoncris I’ll be honest, I don’t think I could do it like this if I wasn’t working from home which I know is a huge privilege. Being home makes it possible for me to do this m-f, and then I relax in the weekends and eat more intuitively.
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    Insatiable appetite since I started lifting

    @jacksoncris Happy to help! Increasing protein made such a big difference for me and it took me awhile to figure out how to get to 135 g consistently. I will say that I am not bothered by dairy so my diet does have a lot of it and I also am low carb due to PCOS, but my usual day of eating...
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    Insatiable appetite since I started lifting

    @dawn16 Thanks for sharing, an interesting read and it makes a lot of sense! I love nerding out on this stuff
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    Insatiable appetite since I started lifting

    @jacksoncris Hey! My understanding is 1g/lb of body weight is ideal for a recomp, but there are definitely different opinions out there. I like Lyle McDonald’s research so that’s what I base a lot of my macro decisions on. I also keep my protein on the higher side because I’m in a calorie...
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    Insatiable appetite since I started lifting

    @dawn16 You’re so right on casein! OP, casein is for sure a better choice before bed. I use whey because normally I have my shake in the afternoon and rarely before bed if i’m short on protein for the day.
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    Insatiable appetite since I started lifting

    @jacksoncris Hey! It’s pretty early to tell if this is just an adjustment to increased activity or something you’ll need to address long term as you continue lifting. I would spend a couple days actually tracking your macros- I thought I was eating enough protein but was only coming in around...
  8. G

    Does body recomposition actually work?

    @jmh96 Hopping on this to agree- I’ve only been able to recomp eating closer to 1g/pound of body weight, and I build muscle pretty easily. OP if you’re trying to grow muscle in some areas (saw you mention das booty) I’d up your calories a little and up your protein to over 100 grams/day...