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  1. D

    What are the dumbest things you’ve heard about a “vegan diet”?

    @blindly28 Not so much vegan diet but misinformation from farmers. There was a thing doing the rounds on social media saying that a vegan diet wasn't more efficient use of resources than eating meat. My mother repeated this to me without any critical thinking. My response was to think about it...
  2. D

    What are the dumbest things you’ve heard about a “vegan diet”?

    @stephenjsheridan It's always overweight people telling me I have a bad diet 🤣
  3. D

    One gram of protein per pound? How?

    @drobbyb I'd aim for about 100 to begin with. But it should be per lb of lean mass. Assuming you're 15% bf then that's 119g on the high side.