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  1. C

    Favourite grips

    @veilmenacex Yeah, I pretty much consistently have marks on my wrists and back of hands from them, but I don’t mind as it’s not painful. (But for some people that could be a deal breaker) it definitely took a bit of getting used to, but I wouldn’t go back! I’ve preordered the all terrain ones...
  2. C

    Favourite grips

    @jjmcubbin For me, and the vast majority of my gym, Velites chalk free. The grip is insane, and has meant I’ve progressed really fast with gymnastics and capacity. I haven’t had a single rip since I got them in October, and I don’t take particularly good care of my callouses either. I have quite...
  3. C

    20.1 Strategy - A Coaches take having watched 20+ athletes complete it this morning

    @musicforerunner I think so, if anything it’s the burpees that will wear me out, and they’re pretty much the same no matter which version I do 😂 I’m gonna go for RX, but I might also try scaled in open gym at a later point see just how much of a difference it makes :)
  4. C

    20.1 Strategy - A Coaches take having watched 20+ athletes complete it this morning

    @musicforerunner For a woman, scaled and snatches, or RX & C&J? I’m not confident enough in my snatches yet to do them at 65lbs yet, although the weight is light for me, but I’m decent enough with c&j, if it was a normal WoD and amrap for 15mins, or 10 RFT I would c&j, but it’s my first open so...