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  1. L

    Beginning tips for a tall guy

    @oddduck123 Imma be real with u, if he’s 6’9 he prolly won’t be able to use most machines in a typical gym. He will either don’t fit or won’t be able to do full range of motion due to his long wingspan. I’m only 6’1 but because I’m lanky with long limbs, I can’t use the seated leg curl. I also...
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    I’m 16M and know its better not to cut, how much should I eat so I don’t get overweight for the next two years?

    @blueskies88 Track ur weight every week on an empty stomach and use a tracking app for calories.Take progress pics and videos. Every week compare urself to the previous weigh ins/ pictures/kcals consumed daily. You’re getting too fat? Lower the kcals a lil. You’re the same weight? Up the...
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    Trying to gain weight since FOREVER

    @imzakman I approve, same experience here. I set a 2.5h countdown on my phone and when it hits I prepare something small and eat it. Smaller spread out meals are also better for digestion (I have mild chronic gastritis and OP mentioned she struggles with stomach issues as well). Most studies...
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    5 Months Progress Calisthenics

    @youarehappy Or the simplest explanation=ppl don't know how to measure their heights, and most doctors that measure ur height don't really care if they're doing it properly, since it isn't an importsnt examination (especially if you're 25 lol) and it's just a routine standard protocol that they...