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  1. D

    Things I Know Now After Doing the Recommended Routine for 1 Year That I Wish I Knew From the Beginning

    @samuelc Maltese etc and doing like backlever presses to planche. And i think it does strengthen the joints better because it needs a active press but not totally sure on that so. Yea i would not train it with a elbow injury because for me it felt when switching the gribs that supinated is...
  2. D

    Things I Know Now After Doing the Recommended Routine for 1 Year That I Wish I Knew From the Beginning

    @samuelc Not necessarily anything wrong with it, but supinated transfers better to moving up the skill difficulty to other advanced moves. And in supinated it gets a bit more of a active down pushing feeling what for me feels like it makes it hit more muscles. Past months i am slowly working on...