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  1. A

    Progression and Bell purchase ?

    @josephhayes I almost treat getting good used gear as a sport now lol, I swear I never had so much satisfaction from a purchase than the two unicorn deals I’ve made for Kbs. These also don’t last, I literally messaged one guy within 30 min of the stuff being posted and picked up within the hour...
  2. A

    Progression and Bell purchase ?

    @blessed1ofhis I agree with you on the comp vs cast iron, I have mismatched kbs because I bought stuff second hand and while I can make it work I definitely prefer my double comp bell sets over the comp+cast iron 20kg double I have
  3. A

    Progression and Bell purchase ?

    @blessed1ofhis Just a tip on purchasing KBs, I suggest keeping an eye out on fb marketplace. You will find really great deals if you have patience and i didn’t find it cost prohibitive at all. I snagged a 16kg, 20kg and 28kb bunch for $20 each once, which is cheaper than anything I’ve ever been...