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    19(F) Underweight with belly fat, how do I go from here?

    @veroch I've taken digestive enzyme tablets prescribed by a doctor for about two months about three months ago? Also this might be relevant but I've been having gastric issues this past week (acidity, heartburn). I've taken medicine only once and this is the first time I've experienced acidity...
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    19(F) Underweight with belly fat, how do I go from here?

    @jennifermartin I don't understand what you mean by "keep your waist at half your height", please explain more? Someone else brought up gastric issues too and I've been experiencing acidity this past week and have taken digestive tablets in the past due to lack of appetite, maybe that has...
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    19(F) Underweight with belly fat, how do I go from here?

    @brotherstewart Thanks, this helped a lot!! This might feel really stupid, but should I eat before or after working out? I get either hunger pangs or zero appetite randomly since I started working out (two weeks)
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    19(F) Underweight with belly fat, how do I go from here?

    @masterpeter Your message is so inspiring and kind!! I haven't really paid attention to my body before until it became severe enough for my parents to lose sleep over it (but I don't skip meals or anything, I just eat normally, but I generally don't have a large appetite or eat lots of junk)...
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    19(F) Underweight with belly fat, how do I go from here?

    @dinafrancis The link was really helpful!!! My body type is kinda similar to the first woman, I think. I'll definitely work out a routine from your link, thank you, friend.
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    19(F) Underweight with belly fat, how do I go from here?

    I'm 19(F), wt. fluctuating at 43.3 to 44.2and height 157 cm. 2 ya, I weighted 49-50. I didn't do anything to lose weight and had my same diet and little to no exercise throughout. I just saw a doctor and he recommended me to eat a dessert a day(lol) to get in calories because my food intake is...