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    A storm in a teacup

    @kate930 Kinda unrelated but I feel the same way about people fearmongering alcohol on online fitness pages. Stuff like, you cannot make gains if you drink, maybe a couple drinks with friends once a month is ok. Like what?! Yeah it's not ideal but unless you're top tier or on a heavy cut, a few...
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    Am I missing out if I dont squat ?

    @jayaraj I have bigger legs and way less pain in my knees and low back after switching squats for leg press. But nothing beats leg extensions when it comes to quads specifically
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    Can I still gain muscle with 0.45g/lb of protein?

    @whereismysalvation No. The standard recommendation (which this article seems to disprove) is g of protein per pound of bodyweight. We discuss weight, and most things, in pounds in the US, but things like nutrients are discussed in g. I can't remember exactly but the equivalent is something like...
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    Do you guys use any supplements?

    @mayaann Black coffee is my pre lol
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    UPDATE: I’m having almost no luck building muscle. VIDEOS ADDED

    @hellokitty I'm saying that if you're above 15% BF, you don't need mass gainer. As long as you consume adequate protein and are actually training hard you will gain muscle. You are in a position to lose weight and gain muscle if you just actually train to failure
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    Question about legday..

    @journeytolife77 I think Squat OR RDL Leg extension Leg curl Calf raise 3 sets of all of these (but 5 of Calf raise since it doesn't really get trained elsewhere) to failure try to stick between 6-10 reps, change weight as needed. I actually do 2 sets each of the hip abduction / adduction...
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    UPDATE: I’m having almost no luck building muscle. VIDEOS ADDED

    @hellokitty If you're already 20% BF idk why you are taking mass gainer 😅
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    UPDATE: I’m having almost no luck building muscle. VIDEOS ADDED

    @hellokitty Why do you have lat raises and pull downs on your chest day? And chest stuff on your back day? Just do a more focused bro split but keep both leg days. Make atleast 1 set of each exercise go to failure each session, the other sets CAN also be to failure or maybe 1 rep shy of it. Also...
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    Programs like 5/3/1 and training for strength VS size

    @dawn16 God you described my opinion on the whole "strength training" thing so eloquently I just came