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  1. T

    What are the dumbest things you’ve heard about a “vegan diet”?

    @blindly28 That it's a torture. Seriously, even if I can convince people that it's not in anyway hindering my progress they still think that I must have a very strong will to endure it. It's so bullshit. Yeah, meat often tastes good, but so do other things. I don't feel like missing out. The...
  2. T

    What are the dumbest things you’ve heard about a “vegan diet”?

    @stephenjsheridan "nutrients". I had a buddy that liked to bring that word up. He'd told me that low fat milk isn't really that good because it has less nutrients. Well, which one? The only thing that vegans can't get is B12. Any other micronutrient can be found in plants. You just need to know...