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  1. J

    Squats: How far do you go down?

    @rel As someone who has been going insane because I cannot break parallel in an unweighted squat without falling over, I may have needed to read this.
  2. J

    Why am I so bad at running, but do well in other cardio related activities?

    @fillipos I’ve gotten into and fallen out of running several times over the past couple years and I swear when I get back in to it there are days I’m literally slower than I would be walking.
  3. J

    What are your favorite fitness blender workouts on youtube?

    @saida Have you considered doing one of their programs? I’m doing FB30 now and really enjoying it. You can look through the comments on the program pages to get a sense of how challenging they are and what the balance of exercise styles is (some are almost all resistance training, others have...
  4. J

    What’s a little trick that made a huge difference in your form?

    @aviari Okay, so that's like... good? I have been trying to engage my core when doing dumbbell squats & dumbbell deadlifts and I'm like, is this supposed to feel like an ab exercise, or am I doing something wrong?
  5. J

    Why am I so bad at running, but do well in other cardio related activities?

    @kmar123 Lots of good advice here (slow down!) but one thing I picked up somewhere on here was that knee issues while running could be due to not activating the glutes enough. I started trying to do this consciously and it pretty much fixed the problem (and after a while I didn’t have to think...