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  1. D

    Struggling to lose weight, 22 y/o female, 131 lbs

    @iamactullygabenist Oh my, Sunday’s are the day I avoid weighing. I know it doesn’t work for everyone but I found weighing every day extremely beneficial I got to know how my body reacts to different foods/ increased sugar and it kind of desensitized me to increases. But if daily weigh ins don’t...
  2. D

    Struggling to lose weight, 22 y/o female, 131 lbs

    @iamactullygabenist Putting your stats in online to get your TDEE on sedentary I get 1612. If you average around 1250 6x a week and eat 200 over on your cheat day your weekly deficit from food is around 1972 or just over a half a lb, and 200 over IMO would be a pretty moderate cheat day even...
  3. D

    Struggling to lose weight, 22 y/o female, 131 lbs

    @iamactullygabenist I am also 5’4, when you say some cheat days here and there, how many days a week does that end up being? Also do you eat your exercise calories back? How many days do you exercise? How do you count your calories? Do you weigh your food?
  4. D

    Struggling to lose weight, 22 y/o female, 131 lbs

    @teriinnevada To each their own, works for me because I love running.