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  1. Z

    "If you can't hold a plank for 120 seconds, you're either a) too fat; b) too weak; or c) doing something wrong in your workouts." How true is this?

    @chrishill88 Definitely. Good point! Yes. but it's hard not to when veteran strength coach and Men's Health contributor Dan John lists three things why I cant hold a plank for 120 seconds haha.
  2. Z

    "If you can't hold a plank for 120 seconds, you're either a) too fat; b) too weak; or c) doing something wrong in your workouts." How true is this?

    @sng092 Ok. Is it a sin to not know GTG and OAC? Good point! Thanks for the insight. The body is truly beautiful. We can all have our different perfect moves. So it's a matter of mastering some moves then?
  3. Z

    "If you can't hold a plank for 120 seconds, you're either a) too fat; b) too weak; or c) doing something wrong in your workouts." How true is this?

    Ok. So I've decided to work on my core after the post about deep abs. I timed myself and found out I can hold 60-70 seconds of plank. However, idk if I was doing the proper form so I checked Calisthenic Movement's 2-minute plank tutorial. It seems my form is a bit wrong. Did it again with the...
  4. Z

    [REVIEW] Gyms in Katipunan

    @%E2%80%A0michael%E2%80%A0 Chazaq is dirty, cramped, and reeks of dried sweat. But it’s the cheapest so...