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  1. F

    I’m the crying girl

    @whitehorse Girl, I feel this! Fellow introvert here who absolutely hates attention. I have been crossfitting for over 10 years and had a workout two weeks ago that absolutely destroyed me. I cried in my car and the whole way home. Honestly, some days are like that and we’ve all been there...
  2. F

    CrossFit culture…

    @godwrestler Agree with a number of other comments - could just be your gym or the class culture and not necessary CF as a whole. I am not very competitive and started CrossFit in 2013 just looking for a good workout. I have found this community to be super welcoming, supportive, and encouraging...
  3. F

    already dreading tommorow's cringe 9/11 tribute

    @marieb3 Oh maybe find a new box? That seems.. aggressive. We do a hero WOD but our coaches gently remind us how privileged we are to be there and to have the opportunity to be working out. They’re not wrong and a lot of us tend to piss* and moan and need the reminder from time to time. Edited...