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  1. S

    4 years of hard work

    @rod54ban Well I've read up on it a TON and even one proper cycle will pretty much give you life-long muscle building benefits. The actual fiber and structure of the muscle changes in such a way that you pretty much perma have an increased amount of strength and your max "natty limit" is...
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    4 years of hard work

    @joyjoy66 I like looking up bodybuilding related stuff and the algorithm just naturally sets it to some influencer kid on tren and I'm just like holy fucking shit man. It's really insane. Literally NOT working out while on tren will cause 150%-250% more muscle growth than working out PERFECTLY...
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    4 years of hard work

    @lfwise What is your OHP at? My strict standing press (with no drive) maxes out at only about 75kg (during bulks) although I haven't done much OHP in the past. During cuts, even a 60kg OHP is tough stuff
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    4 years of hard work

    @wmsgil Current bulk, about 87-88kg and I'm guessing somewhere between 20-24% BF
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    4 years of hard work

    @dwarmstrong I do occasionally train with a professional bodybuilder. I do a PT session once a week for advice/pointers from one of them, the other is just someone I talk to between sets. They helped me improve for sure - but neither are lifetime natties
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    4 years of hard work

    @elenamaria_9 For chest I really enjoy bench press and that's a movement I'm comfortable pushing as hard as I can, but if I'm without a spotter I will usually stop on the movement where it's clear that the next rep MIGHT not go up. If I feel I have anything left, then I'll follow it with...
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    4 years of hard work

    @kvolm I don't think my genetics are bad. Pretty normal for my area. Slightly above average height (183cm), most of the men in my family have been muscular even without training. I should mention - I had a much much worse starting point than most people. Currently in my largest bulk I am 88kg...
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    4 years of hard work

    @lovely_krystal86 I completely agree with pretty much everything you said and I've had the same exact thoughts. But one thing I'd like to add - of course it's anecdotal and not purely scientific. One of my childhood friends has done steroids twice in his life, once at 17, and again at 26. He...
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    Genetics aren’t what you think they are

    @nbj486 Completely agree. Also it's hilarious how almost every professional bodybuilder attributes so much to genetics. "It's just genetics and consistency bro" - no, it's not. It's just the average person is not willing to inject a liter of tren into themselves every week Height is the only...
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    4 years of hard work

    @jord1999 I don't think my progress is necessarily bad or slow - I think just being natural is painfully slow and I'm not even close to where I want to be. I think with tren I can be there in a.. month or two? But like I said, I started at severely underweight (49kg) unable to bench even the...
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    4 years of hard work

    @withlovefromalyssa How??? I literally just see flab and chub on myself man, even looking at that picture
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    4 years of hard work

    @cmclinton During my bulk? It's hard to look good during a bulk, but here it is with a very high bf%
  13. S

    4 years of hard work

    4 years in of hard work ....and I still look like an average untrained male with clothes on. During bulks, I look/feel chubby/flabby During cuts, I look/feel skinny/weak It's such a slow and painful process. 4 years in, I have made substantial growth and improvement in my lifts, but 70%+ of...