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  1. J

    What percent of your income goes towards fitness?

    @christian2011 About 3%. I am mid 30s and I pay $160 a month for CrossFit. I have a capsule wardrobe for my athletic gear so I haven't bought anything the last couple years. Will replace my shoes once every 2-4 years so that's another $160ish. I don't take supplements, years of forcing...
  2. J

    Is it appropriate for a coach to physically correct you?

    @kingshellie I've never been touched while being corrected in CrossFit. It's always "butt back", "knees out", "hips higher/lower", "shoulders over bar", "elbows up", etc. You are not overreacting, the coaching can be done verbally before stepping in to touch you physically. You need to tell...
  3. J

    How does your hamstring strength compare to your quads (e.g. leg curl vs leg extension)?

    @yttrium I'm hamstring dominant which is not as common for women. Since you have a PT they can tell you which exercises to do to strengthen the hamstrings.
  4. J

    Deadlift form check (115 lbs, 135 lbs)

    @james512 Head should be in a neutral position. So not looking forward. Head should align with spine. So where your head is when standing straight looking forward. Usually I pick a spot on the floor to look at. Another thing that my coach did since I was bad at this was put a tennis ball under...
  5. J

    LPT: go get all around blood work done at least every yr

    @tiff_tiff Yup, I was Vitamin D deficient and I live in SoCal and did crossfit outdoors during the lock down. Not that I was outdoors beyond that. I got it tested for fertility issues and found out Vitamin D deficiency doesn't help fertility. I was told by a doctor to take 2000ui daily.
  6. J

    What's an actual realistic goal? Pictures and current routine included

    @patrick226 I had similar ish stats and body composition to you. Everyone's body is different. A small calorie deficit and my performance suffered a lot. I knew myself realizing this is just the body I have and calorie deficit isn't worth stalling and reducing my strength and cardio. Fat cells...
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    LPT: go get all around blood work done at least every yr

    @starrss I dont have renal issues and was prescribed Vitamin D for my deficiency by my reproductive endocrinologist. Maybe you just think it is overhyped but Vitamin D can help in certain circumstances. Your extreme view is what is turning people off in this thread.
  8. J

    No grip strength

    @dawn16 My hands are too small and shaped differently to do this. Works for most men though.
  9. J

    What’s a little trick that made a huge difference in your form?

    @bkrolex For front squats, you have lasers pointing from your elbows. Make sure the lasers don't point at the floor.